Friday, January 30, 2009

OLMERT, SHARON DAN PEREZ..the bloodiest, deadliest and the most criminal period..

Tuan-tuan, tiga tokoh utama pemimpin yahudi (Simon Perez, tiada dlm gambar)merupakan perancang dan penerus bagi PERANCANGAN ZIONIST MENAKLUK DUNIA. Segala perancangan keganasan seluruh dunia didalangi oleh Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya. Israel ialah yang paling aktif. Menurut Chris Bollyn dari The French Connection, Israel ialah dalang bagi Amerika dalam peristiwa 9/11. Ikuti apa kata beliau seterusnya.

The first two months of Ehud Olmert's term as Israel's prime minister have been described as "the bloodiest, deadliest and the most criminal period of the 58-year-old state of Israel." Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon are brothers in arms and followers of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, founder of the most radical, racist, and militant form of Zionism. In the thinking of Jabotinsky Zionists like Olmert, there is simply no place for the Palestinians in the Land of Israel: "There is no choice: the Arabs must make room for the Jews of Eretz Israel," Jabotinsky wrote. "If it was possible to transfer the Baltic peoples, it is also possible to move the Palestinian Arabs."
The Zionist controlled media continues to ignore the crimes of these men and their direct links to the mass murder committed on 9/11.

Tuan-tuan agak dajjal berdua tu akan menghormati ke gencatan senjata? Hamas awal-awal lagi tidak percaya kepada gencatan senjata Israel. Cuma bagi menghormati suara antarabangsa, Hamas akur. Tidak pernah ada fakta yang menunjukkan Israel menghormati gencatan senjata sejak dulu lagi..Berita terbaru Briged Izzuddin Al-Qassam terpaksa melancarkan tiga peluru anti kereta kebal bagi menghalau tentera Israel yang memasuki kawasan Gaza sejauh 500m.

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